Ohio Christian at Rio Grande
@ Rio Grande, OH (Newt Oliver Arena)
8/31/2024 at 5:33 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Ohio Christian (5-6) 16 16 13 0
Rio Grande (8-3) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
  OHIO CHR starters: Brooklyn Borges; Madison Blickenstaff; Josie Buck; Emma Hannah; Emilia Hoppe; Kennedy Bowling.  
  RIO GRAN starters: Amanda Rarick; Jordan Brooks; Kelli Stewart; Olivia Smith; Elle McLoughlin; Averie Bruce.  
1-0 [Emma Hannah] Attack error by Kelli Stewart. Point OHIO CHR
[Emma Hannah] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 1-1
  RIO GRAN subs: Kayla Sedgwick; Katelynn Coey.  
2-1 [Kayla Sedgwick] Kill by Kennedy Bowling (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Lilly Smith.  
[Lilly Smith] Kill by Katelynn Coey. Point RIO GRAN 2-2
3-2 [Jenna Harrison] Attack error by Kelli Stewart. Point OHIO CHR
[Sophie Coleman] Kill by Jordan Brooks (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 3-3
  RIO GRAN subs: Sofia Otero Marrero.  
[Sofia Otero Marrero] Kill by Katelynn Coey (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 3-4
[Sofia Otero Marrero] Attack error by Kennedy Bowling (block by Jordan Brooks; Katelynn Coey). Point RIO GRAN 3-5
[Sofia Otero Marrero] Attack error by Josie Buck. Point RIO GRAN 3-6
4-6 [Sofia Otero Marrero] Attack error by Katelynn Coey. Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Allison Haines; Hailey Sembach.  
[Allison Haines] Attack error by Allison Haines. Point RIO GRAN 4-7
  RIO GRAN subs: Amanda Rarick; Olivia Smith.  
[Olivia Smith] Service ace (Lilly Smith). Point RIO GRAN 4-8
[Olivia Smith] Attack error by Josie Buck (block by Amanda Rarick; Jordan Brooks). Point RIO GRAN 4-9
[Olivia Smith] Attack error by Brooklyn Borges. Point RIO GRAN 4-10
5-10 [Olivia Smith] Kill by Brooklyn Borges (from Allison Haines). Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Lael Simmons; Emilia Hoppe.  
6-10 [Lael Simmons] Attack error by Amanda Rarick. Point OHIO CHR
7-10 [Lael Simmons] Service ace (Jenna Harrison). Point OHIO CHR
8-10 [Lael Simmons] Attack error by Jordan Brooks. Point OHIO CHR
[Lael Simmons] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 8-11
  RIO GRAN subs: Avery Huntzinger.  
  OHIO CHR subs: Josie Buck.  
[Avery Huntzinger] Attack error by Emilia Hoppe. Point RIO GRAN 8-12
[Avery Huntzinger] Attack error by Hailey Sembach (block by Amanda Rarick; Averie Bruce). Point RIO GRAN 8-13
9-13 [Avery Huntzinger] Service error. Point OHIO CHR
  RIO GRAN subs: Jordan Brooks.  
  OHIO CHR subs: Brooklyn Borges.  
10-13 [Katie Sharp] Attack error by Amanda Rarick. Point OHIO CHR
11-13 [Katie Sharp] Attack error by Elle McLoughlin. Point OHIO CHR
[Katie Sharp] Attack error by Madison Blickenstaff. Point RIO GRAN 11-14
  RIO GRAN subs: Kelli Stewart.  
12-14 [Elle McLoughlin] Attack error by Jenna Harrison. Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Emma Hannah; Kennedy Bowling.  
[Emma Hannah] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 12-15
[Kayla Sedgwick] Service ace (Josie Buck). Point RIO GRAN 12-16
[Kayla Sedgwick] Kill by Katelynn Coey (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 12-17
[Kayla Sedgwick] Attack error by Kennedy Bowling. Point RIO GRAN 12-18
[Kayla Sedgwick] Service ace (Josie Buck). Point RIO GRAN 12-19
13-19 [Kayla Sedgwick] Service error. Point OHIO CHR
[Lilly Smith] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin), block error by Josie Buck. Point RIO GRAN 13-20
14-20 [Jenna Harrison] Kill by Kennedy Bowling (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
[Sophie Coleman] Attack error by Josie Buck (block by Jordan Brooks; Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 14-21
[Sofia Otero Marrero] Kill by Katelynn Coey (from Jenna Harrison). Point RIO GRAN 14-22
[Sofia Otero Marrero] Kill by Jordan Brooks (from Elle McLoughlin), block error by Kara Plutschuck. Point RIO GRAN 14-23
[Sofia Otero Marrero] Attack error by Emilia Hoppe (block by Jordan Brooks; Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 14-24
15-24 [Sofia Otero Marrero] Service error. Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Hailey Sembach.  
16-24 [Allison Haines] Attack error by Katelynn Coey. Point OHIO CHR
[Allison Haines] Kill by Jordan Brooks (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 16-25
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1-0 [Elle McLoughlin] Kill by Kennedy Bowling (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
[Lilly Smith] Service error. Point RIO GRAN 1-1
  RIO GRAN subs: Kayla Sedgwick; Katelynn Coey.  
[Kayla Sedgwick] Attack error by Madison Blickenstaff. Point RIO GRAN 1-2
[Kayla Sedgwick] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 1-3
2-3 [Kayla Sedgwick] Kill by Madison Blickenstaff (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
[Sophie Coleman] Attack error by Kennedy Bowling. Point RIO GRAN 2-4
3-4 [Jenna Harrison] Kill by Kennedy Bowling (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Allison Haines.  
[Allison Haines] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 3-5
  RIO GRAN subs: Sofia Otero Marrero.  
4-5 [Sofia Otero Marrero] Kill by Josie Buck. Point OHIO CHR
5-5 [Lael Simmons] Attack error by Kayla Sedgwick. Point OHIO CHR
6-5 [Lael Simmons] Kill by Emilia Hoppe (from Sophie Coleman). Point OHIO CHR
7-5 [Lael Simmons] Attack error by Katelynn Coey. Point OHIO CHR
8-5 [Lael Simmons] Attack error by Katelynn Coey (block by Brooklyn Borges; Hailey Sembach). Point OHIO CHR
[Lael Simmons] Kill by Elle McLoughlin. Point RIO GRAN 8-6
[Olivia Smith] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 8-7
[Olivia Smith] Service ace (Josie Buck). Point RIO GRAN 8-8
9-8 [Olivia Smith] Kill by Emilia Hoppe (from Allison Haines). Point OHIO CHR
[Katie Sharp] Service error. Point RIO GRAN 9-9
  RIO GRAN subs: Avery Huntzinger.  
[Avery Huntzinger] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 9-10
10-10 [Avery Huntzinger] Kill by Emilia Hoppe (from Allison Haines). Point OHIO CHR
11-10 [Emma Hannah] Service ace (Sofia Otero Marrero). Point OHIO CHR
[Emma Hannah] Service error. Point RIO GRAN 11-11
[Elle McLoughlin] Attack error by Kennedy Bowling. Point RIO GRAN 11-12
12-12 [Elle McLoughlin] Kill by Emilia Hoppe (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
13-12 [Lilly Smith] Service ace (Amanda Rarick). Point OHIO CHR
[Lilly Smith] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 13-13
[Kayla Sedgwick] Attack error by Madison Blickenstaff. Point RIO GRAN 13-14
[Kayla Sedgwick] Attack error by Josie Buck (block by Kelli Stewart; Averie Bruce). Point RIO GRAN 13-15
[Kayla Sedgwick] Attack error by Kennedy Bowling. Point RIO GRAN 13-16
[Kayla Sedgwick] Kill by Averie Bruce (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 13-17
[Kayla Sedgwick] Service ace (Lilly Smith). Point RIO GRAN 13-18
  Timeout Ohio Christian.  
[Kayla Sedgwick] Kill by Katelynn Coey (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 13-19
14-19 [Kayla Sedgwick] Service error. Point OHIO CHR
[Sophie Coleman] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 14-20
[Jenna Harrison] Service ace (Kennedy Bowling). Point RIO GRAN 14-21
  OHIO CHR subs: Kynedi Davis.  
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by Jordan Brooks (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 14-22
  OHIO CHR subs: Miali Bard.  
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Jenna Harrison). Point RIO GRAN 14-23
15-23 [Jenna Harrison] Attack error by Katelynn Coey. Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Hailey Sembach.  
[Allison Haines] Attack error by Kynedi Davis. Point RIO GRAN 15-24
16-24 [Sofia Otero Marrero] Kill by Hailey Sembach (from Miali Bard). Point OHIO CHR
[Lael Simmons] Attack error by Emilia Hoppe. Point RIO GRAN 16-25
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1-0 [Emma Hannah] Service ace (Olivia Smith). Point OHIO CHR
[Emma Hannah] Service error. Point RIO GRAN 1-1
2-1 [Kayla Sedgwick] Kill by Madison Blickenstaff (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
[Lilly Smith] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 2-2
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by Katelynn Coey. Point RIO GRAN 2-3
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by McKenna Diederich. Point RIO GRAN 2-4
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 2-5
[Jenna Harrison] Attack error by Kennedy Bowling. Point RIO GRAN 2-6
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by Kelli Stewart (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 2-7
3-7 [Jenna Harrison] Kill by Kennedy Bowling (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
4-7 [Sophie Coleman] Kill by Josie Buck (from Emma Hannah). Point OHIO CHR
5-7 [Sophie Coleman] Service ace (Jenna Harrison). Point OHIO CHR
[Sophie Coleman] Service error. Point RIO GRAN 5-8
6-8 [Sofia Otero Marrero] Attack error by Jenna Harrison. Point OHIO CHR
7-8 [Allison Haines] Attack error by Katelynn Coey. Point OHIO CHR
[Allison Haines] Kill by McKenna Diederich (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 7-9
  RIO GRAN subs: Amanda Rarick; Olivia Smith.  
[Olivia Smith] Kill by Elle McLoughlin. Point RIO GRAN 7-10
[Olivia Smith] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 7-11
[Olivia Smith] Kill by McKenna Diederich (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 7-12
[Olivia Smith] Attack error by Hailey Sembach (block by McKenna Diederich; Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 7-13
  Timeout Ohio Christian.  
[Olivia Smith] Service ace (Lilly Smith). Point RIO GRAN 7-14
8-14 [Olivia Smith] Kill by Brooklyn Borges (from Allison Haines). Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Lael Simmons; Emilia Hoppe.  
[Lael Simmons] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 8-15
[Avery Huntzinger] Kill by Amanda Rarick (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 8-16
9-16 [Avery Huntzinger] Kill by Emilia Hoppe (from Allison Haines). Point OHIO CHR
[Katie Sharp] Kill by Elle McLoughlin. Point RIO GRAN 9-17
[Elle McLoughlin] Service ace (Josie Buck). Point RIO GRAN 9-18
10-18 [Elle McLoughlin] Kill by Madison Blickenstaff (from Allison Haines). Point OHIO CHR
11-18 [Emma Hannah] Attack error by Amanda Rarick (block by Madison Blickenstaff; Emilia Hoppe). Point OHIO CHR
[Emma Hannah] Service error. Point RIO GRAN 11-19
  RIO GRAN subs: Kayla Sedgwick; Katelynn Coey.  
[Kayla Sedgwick] Attack error by Kennedy Bowling. Point RIO GRAN 11-20
12-20 [Kayla Sedgwick] Attack error by Kelli Stewart. Point OHIO CHR
  OHIO CHR subs: Lilly Smith.  
13-20 [Lilly Smith] Attack error by Katelynn Coey. Point OHIO CHR
[Lilly Smith] Service error. Point RIO GRAN 13-21
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by Katelynn Coey (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 13-22
[Jenna Harrison] Kill by McKenna Diederich (from Elle McLoughlin). Point RIO GRAN 13-23
[Jenna Harrison] Service ace (Madison Blickenstaff). Point RIO GRAN 13-24
[Jenna Harrison] Service ace (Sophie Coleman). Point RIO GRAN 13-25
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